The Honorable Harry L. Berry
Hardin County Judge/Executive
Luke B. Schmidt, President
L.B. Schmidt & Associates, LLC
Hardin County United Posts Educational Roadmap to Web Site
Document Provides Unique, Detailed Overview of Educational Opportunities in Hardin County from Birth through Adult Education
Elizabethtown, Kentucky (February 3, 2011) – Hardin County United (HCU) today announced that it has posted the Hardin County Educational Roadmap on its new Web site (www.hcu.lbschmidt.com). The Roadmap provides a detailed summary of virtually every educational opportunity available in Hardin County today.
The Roadmap is the first project to be completed by HCU and was developed and managed by the organization’s Education Subcommittee, chaired by Al Rider, President/CEO of the North Central Education Foundation. The Roadmap is designed to serve as a resource for all citizens of Hardin County as well as employers and businesses and industries which might be contemplating a move to the community.
“Education has always been an important driver in this community,” said Al Rider. “The Education Subcommittee wants to build upon the educational strategic goals adopted in the Hardin County Vision Project. In order to do this, we agreed that we first needed to fully understand what educational opportunities currently exist in the community. In doing this, we established a life continuum starting at birth and concluding with adult education. Every opportunity is listed in this document.”
The Roadmap will significantly assist ongoing economic development efforts in the community. Local economic development officials will now be able to provide detailed information on educational opportunities to companies that are considering expansion into Hardin County.
The benefits to existing citizens of Hardin County will be enormous. For the first time in the County’s history, citizens will be able to go online and see a listing of all educational opportunities. From birth through three years, the opportunities include such programs as Books for Babies, HeadStart, First Steps, etc. Various public and private elementary and private school programs, such as gifted and talented, and special education are listed, along with adult education for later in life.
For those citizens who may be wishing to add to their current educational credentials, either through obtaining an associate or technical degree, a bachelor’s degree or even a master’s degree, they will quickly be able to see what is possible without leaving the community. Degree opportunities range from an Associate Degree in Applied Science for such things as Business Administration, Accounting, Real Estate Management, etc., to Bachelor’s Degrees in Child Studies, Human Services and Counseling, Public Safety Administration, etc., to Master’s Degrees in Criminal Justice, Mathematics Education to Theology.
“In compiling the Roadmap, we learned that Hardin County has the largest number of institutions on a per-capita basis that offer post-secondary degrees in Kentucky,” said HCU Chairperson Harry L. Berry. “This clearly becomes a selling point for our economic development officials. There are nearly 340 post secondary credentials which can be earned right here at home,” said Berry.
“The development of the Roadmap fits right in with HCU’s mission,” said Luke B. Schmidt, President of L.B. Schmidt & Associates, LLC and consultant to HCU. “One of the Vision Project goals is to develop a “leading edge” education platform in the community, beginning at Kindergarten and extending through post-secondary offerings. The Roadmap clearly indicates that Hardin County has a lot going for it in terms of education, and it will help the community to identify gaps which might exist so that the platform can ultimately be strengthened.”
The Roadmap can now be downloaded by visiting HCU’s Web site.
Hardin County United (HCU) was established for the purpose of examining the various strategic goals which were established by the Hardin County Vision Project in 2010. The intent of HCU is to prioritize the goals and to develop implementation strategies. HCU’s leadership team includes Hardin County Judge/Executive Harry Berry who chairs the Steering Committee; One Knox Executive Director Brad Richardson, who chairs the Community Development Subcommittee; North Central Education Foundation President/CEO Al Rider, who chairs the Education Subcommittee; and Hardin Circuit Court Judge Ken Howard who chairs the Governance Subcommittee. Luke Schmidt, President of L.B. Schmidt & Associates, LLC, provides management and consulting services to HCU.