Elizabethtown, Kentucky (February 12, 2007) – The Elizabethtown Airport Board today announced that it has changed the name of the city’s airport from Addington Field to Addington Field Elizabethtown Regional Airport.
For Immediate Release
Elizabethtown Airport Board Changes Airport Name to
Addington Field Elizabethtown Regional Airport
New Name Recognizes Airport’s New Mission and Regional Status and Will Be Further Promoted by its Three Letter Identification Code: EKX
Elizabethtown, Kentucky (February 12, 2007) – The Elizabethtown Airport Board today announced that it has changed the name of the city’s airport from Addington Field to Addington FieldElizabethtown Regional Airport.
In announcing the change, Elizabethtown Airport Board Chairman Joe Yates stated that the airport’s mission is changing and that the Board recognizes that not only does the airport serve the City of Elizabethtown, but it is expected to also serve Ft. Knox and a large part of Central Kentucky on an increasing basis going forward.
Yates stated, “Elizabethtown has become one of Kentucky’s major regional centers when it comes to education, employment, health care and shopping. We believe that the airport with its expanding mission will bring even more people to Elizabethtown down the road.”
The Elizabethtown Airport Board previously announced its intent to restore commercial airline service at the city’s airport. Yates stated that based on the market feasibility report recently issued by its consultant, Luke Schmidt, of L.B. Schmidt & Associates, LLC, the airport needs to begin branding itself as the regional airport of Elizabethtown, Ft. Knox and Central Kentucky as it goes about recruiting one or more airlines initially, and ultimately passengers, should the project attract commercial service. The new name reflects the airport’s new mission of serving theCentral Kentucky region. The airport will also be referred to by its three letter identification code, EKX, in order to promote the airport throughout the region.
Yates, again citing the market feasibility study, stated that other regional airports have successfully branded their facilities by promoting their airports by using the three letter code. Yates cited as an example the Golden Triangle Regional Airport which is located in Columbus, Mississippi. The airport’s code, GTR, is used to promote the airport throughout its market service area in east central Mississippi. This particular airport serves the cities of Columbus, Starkville and West Point, along with Columbus Air Force Base.
“GTR serves as a model as to how a regional area can promote its airport by using its three letter identification code,” Yates said. “Travelers throughout east central Mississippi increasingly refer to the airport as GTR Airport and they feel as though the airport is ‘their’ airport, even though it is located specifically in Columbus.”
Larger airports such as Baltimore/Washington International and Dallas/Ft. Worth International are known throughout their respective regions as “BWI Airport” and “DFW Airport.”
The Airport Board has adopted a new logo (which is shown at the top of this release), incorporating both the airport’s new name and the EKX code. The Board and L.B. Schmidt & Associates, LLC are developing additional collateral material to support the project. A new print brochure has just been developed and is being distributed to economic development and elected officials throughout the region. A new Web site to use in conjunction with the airline recruitment project will go online soon.
(Note: members of the media may obtain an electronic version of the new logo by contacting Luke Schmidt by calling 502.292.2898, or via E-Mail, lbschmidt@lbschmidt.com)
At the same time, Yates stated that the Elizabethtown Airport Board did not want to lose sight of the airport’s historical name: Addington Field. As such, the airport’s new, formal name will be:Addington Field Elizabethtown Regional Airport. Yates commented, “We appreciate the understanding of the Addington family of the need to change the name in order to better promote the airport, and their willingness to work with the Board as we move the facility to the next level.”
The Elizabethtown Airport Board is a not for profit organization which operates the municipal airport in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Addington Field Elizabethtown Regional Airport began operations in 1982 as a general aviation airport and is currently engaged in efforts to restore commercial airline service to the field. The airport is promoted by use of its three letter identification code: EKX. EKX includes a 6,000 foot long runway which is “regional jet ready” with complete general aviation services. An Instrument Landing System (ILS) is currently being installed which will further enhance safety and increase the airport’s all-weather operational capacity. EKX plans to build a passenger terminal should commercial airline service be restored.